
           Compressed Rubber Documentation

 Resi-Mizer Injectors from the Compressed Rubber group lock within the drill hole by mechanically compressing a rubber cylinder around a hollow threaded shaft. These injectors are available with different shaft lengths, allowing for the injector to seat at varying depths below the surface. This design makes these Resi-Mizers particularly effective in "punky" concrete or surfaces which have been weakened by chemical attack or in layered surfaces like Shotcrete, Gunite, or Shale.
   The 5/8" hole size is the oldest and most commonly used. However, smaller diameter drill holes may sometimes be desirable because smaller holes are quicker to drill and take out less concrete. Small diameter injectors are subject to depth limitations because of bit diameter-vs-length constraints. As the bit diameter becomes smaller, the maximum length of the bit must become shorter. Thus, short and small bits may be easier to use but somewhat more likely to miss intersection with the targeted crack.
    For large injectors in drilled holes sizes of 1.0" to 2.0", Strata Tech has the Twist-Lok Injector series.
    Resi-Mizer Injectors in the Compressed Rubber group are the oldest design type and have certain advantages which cause them to be chosen often for some applications. The Compressed Rubber design is quite reliable. It seals quickly and tightly even at gauge pressures of several thousand psi. Though not the lease expensive type, it is relatively inexpensive and may be discarded after only on use.
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